Tuesday, March 29, 2011

stayin' afloat.

i've always fought against living my life in such a way where my sole purpose is trying to just get by, to survive. however this week i'm in survival mode big time. i've got so much going on i feel like i'm drowning in to-do lists and just fighting to make it to saturday morning when i leave for mexico. it's time to channel the inner scrappy erin. that, and drink a lot of coffee.

this week:
1. my fuel for the week.
2. soaking up every little bit of simplicity and beauty i can find to keep from going crazy.
3. on top of everything we got a new car yesterday (!) and i love it.
any ideas for good car names?

** edit: we have a name, folks. the car's official name is justin bieber. (it seriously says justin bieber on the screen when i turn it on. it cracks me up.) but it will be more commonly referred to as "the biebs" or (wait for it...) the "the mo-bieble." (thanks e.p.)

and everything will be worth it when i get to see these little faces again.


Taylor said...

oh, i've been there. peace and grace and strength to you this week!

Mikelle Jade said...

ooooh new car! Yay! If I think of a name I'll tell ya :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

I love that you are soaking up the beauty. Keep it up, girl. And CONGRATS on a pretty new car!! :)

A "cheery" disposition said...

Have fun in mexico. I am adoring your blog, gonna keep reading.

Kandice Breinholt said...

hahahahahahahahahah the mo bieble! i can't get enough of that. i even read it to sean :)