Monday, May 16, 2011

little thanks.

dear airlines,
i hate you for delaying her, but thank you for bringing my sister home to me today.

dear "community",
thank you for having the most hilarious and creative season finale. i died laughing.

dear southern california,
thank you for deciding this past week that it was time for summer. now what's with the rain and clouds today?

dear new lamp,
thank you for being so pretty. i love you.

dear netflix,
thank you for having the best documentaries on instant view. i've been learning quite a bit from you, all from the comfort of my living room.

dear coffee,
just, thanks. you know what for.

dear unknown future,
thank you for getting me excited about you again.

dear week of may 16th-22nd,
thank you in advance for being a good one. however you are far too jam-packed, but bring it.

1. my lifeline.
2. the prettiest thing i now own.
3. summa summa summa time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


so many late nights. i feel like i'm in college again.
this weekend was too good. full of food and drink and so many good conversations. like, the kind of conversations that leave you a richer person. i've had them in abundance over the past four days.

- cinco de mayo with margaritas and flamenco.
- sitting around in the sunny backyard all day with my two favorite boys.
- little brother's 21st birthday bbq and the various festivities that go along with becoming of age, like dive bars and jute boxes and pool.
- paul is dead conspiracies.
- recovery day with the mister on the couch. making pizza and watching 2 entire discs of friends.
- "rolling in the deep" on repeat in my head.
- slumber party with tobin.
- celebrating my wonderful mama.

it was one of the more refreshing weekends i've had in awhile, and because i'm feeling refreshed, i'm going to go ahead and leave you with a little nugget that will hopefully leave you feeling refreshed as well. this song/gillian welch get me every time. enjoy.
happy tuesday everyone.